

Agency News

The WoofWalk runs June 1 through June 27.  Money raised by the WoofWalk will go toward the purchase of a new mobile testing unit that will allow Mazzoni Center to provide much needed free HIV/STI testing and prevention care to neighborhoods all across Philadelphia.

Here are...

Agency News

Mazzoni Center’s Board of Directors announced  this week the onboarding of eight new board members.

“We are pleased to have appointed one of the largest cohorts in the past three years,” said Board President Nu’Rodney Prad, “During this Board cohort...

Agency News


On Friday, June 11, 2021, the City of Philadelphia ended the indoor mask mandate. Due to ongoing risk, Philadelphia will still require that masks be worn indoors in healthcare institutions including temporary community healthcare events such as...

Agency News

At Mazzoni Center, Pride isn’t an awareness month, it’s a daily celebration. We are proud of who we are. We watch as the people we serve become comfortable with themselves and take pride in who they are.  When they struggle, we offer support. When they triumph, we applaud them....

Agency News

Since our last communication, there have been a few updates regarding the Presidential search. Our commitment remains in keeping you informed in the progress of this executive search.

I, and many others on the Board of Directors, listened to feedback provided during our first advisory...

Agency News

Eligibility Update

Starting on Monday, April 12th those in Phase 1C and current medical patients of Mazzoni Center will be eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. Those in Phase 1C are:

  • ...

Agency News

Spring is here and so are updates and changes to our programs and services. See the links below for more information.

COVID Vaccine Update


Agency News

Modern and Johnson & Johnson vaccines

We have available both the Modern (two shots)  and Johnson & Johnson (one shot) vaccines as choices for when you come in to get vaccinated.

Vaccine Events

We will have...

Agency News

Mazzoni Center is  now accepting workshop proposals for the 2021 virtual Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference. Workshops are needed for the conference’s two tracks: General and Professional.

For details, or to submit a workshop proposal for the conference's General Track,...

Agency News

Due to the current winter weather, all in-person apppointments have been postponed for Thursday February 18, 2021. All virtual appointments and activities will still take place,

