

Agency News

The City of Philadelphia has now moved into an initial green phase of activities on July 3. This included:

  •     Residential swimming pools and private swim clubs
  •     Zoos (outside only)
  •     Personal services such as salons,
  • ...

Agency News

We're honored to share that Mazzoni Center has received a PHL COVID-19 Fund grant. A collaboration between United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey, Philadelphia Foundation, and the city of Philadelphia, the PHL COVID-19 Fund is providing financial assistance to nonprofits like ours during the coronavirus crisis.

Agency News


Two weeks ago, Mazzoni Center’s leadership team made the decision to transition our physical and mental health care to telehealth, limit the provision of some community-based services and close both

Agency News

We have been informed that one of our behavioral health clients has tested positive for COVID-19 (caused by SARS-CoV-2 or novel Coronavirus). The client was last in our building at 1348 Bainbridge on March 11. Their visit was confined to the first-floor lobby and a therapy office. We...

Agency News

Leadership of all of Mazzoni Center’s programs are working together on ways to keep us all connected and supported through this time that can be isolating and anxiety-producing.
Unlike some other healthcare facilities, Mazzoni...

Agency News

Mazzoni Center is excited to announce that we have been selected to be a part of the Penji for Non-profit program! Penji  is an on-demand unlimited graphic design service trusted by top...

Agency News

To Mazzoni Center Community:
Transition and change have been a constant here at Mazzoni Center, especially for much of this year. It is our commitment to you, our clients and staff, our supporters and partners, to provide on an ongoing, regular basis robust,...
