

Behavioral Health News

The holidays can be a particularly stressful time of year, however, experiencing the holiday season post-pandemic and during the monkeypox outbreaks brings even more potential challenges. Our lives have substantially changed post COVID-19 and give the newness of it all, it is important to...

Behavioral Health News

Mazzoni Center’s Behavioral Health department understands how stressful life can be, especially for our community this...

Behavioral Health News

September is National Recovery Month. According to the Recovery Research Institute,  an estimated 20 to 30 percent of LGBTQ+ individuals face some addiction form, compared with 10 percent of the general population, and LGBTQ+ youths are twice as likely to suffer from substance addiction as...

Behavioral Health News

Mazzoni Center’s Behavioral Health Team understand how stressful life can be, especially for our community this year. That’s why they created the Mazzoni Center 2021 Wellness Guide.

Here is is what in 2021's edition:

  • Navigating stressful conversations
  • ...

Behavioral Health News

As a part of our National Recovery Month, we ask some of our patients to talk about their experience in recovery with us, here is one story

"Recovery isn’t an easy road however Mazzoni Center's IOP group helped to make the transition from life unmanageable to into a life, dare...

Behavioral Health News

It may be the most wonderful time of the year for some, but for a lot of trans people, going home for the holidays can actually feel pretty scary and lonely. Visiting family can sometimes mean enduring comments about your clothes or hair, getting dead-named, and being misgendered....

Behavioral Health News

Mazzoni Center’s Behavioral Health Team understand how stressful life can be, especially for our community this year. That’s why they created the Mazzoni Center 2020 Wellness Guide.
From navigating stressful conversations and strained

Behavioral Health News

It can be difficult to stay connected and maintain relationships while following CDC and stay-at-home guidelines.  Whether living and working in the same space as partners, friends, or family, or feeling disconnected from loved ones and friends, many relationships have had to adjust. ...

Behavioral Health News

We recognize that this holiday season will look dramatically different than in years past, and this will likely add a new layer of stress to whatever holidays you choose to celebrate.  For many in the LGBTQ community, the holiday season can be a time to spend with


Behavioral Health News

During this unprecedented time, many of us are forced to shift our perspective and the ways in which we do things. Social distancing and quarantine have affected our lives in more ways than we can imagine. If you are already participating in therapy or have been considering talking with a...
