Announcing our Health Equity Fund
Announcing our Health Equity Fund

As we look at the month of pride, one of the things I'm the most proud of is the amazing support, care, and compassion that the staff here at Mazzoni Center provide to patients and clients each and every day. We're also proud that our patients come from incredibly diverse backgrounds, and that we don't turn anyone away regardless of their ability to pay for care.
At Mazzoni Center, we believe that everyone deserves culturally competent health care. To help continue expanding our ability to equitably engage those who are most in need, we're excited that we're launching a new level of support for individuals who struggle to pay for health care, or who are concerned about utilizing their insurance due to valid fears of being outed to family or others in their life.
In partnership with the highly respected Philadelphia Foundation, we're pleased to announce the launch of the Mazzoni Center Health Equity Fund, which is an exciting new partnership aimed at advancing Mazzoni Center’s commitment to equity in the healthcare space.
This new fund, to be housed at the Foundation, will accept donations from individuals, corporations, and foundations, with 100% of the funds fully utilized towards meeting healthcare costs for uninsured and underinsured patients, as well as those patients who cannot safely or securely utilize insurance coverage at Mazzoni Center. Here at Mazzoni Center, we’re committed to ensuring that everyone has access to care, regardless of their ability to pay.
Contributions to this innovative new fund are being intiated by two pioneering partners, Subaru of America and Free People. These two outstanding businesses have been key partners in helping Mazzoni Center and the Philadelphia Foundation launch what we believe can be a game changer in advancing health equity in our Philadelphia LGBTQ community and beyond.
Our goal for 2023 will be to raise $100,000 for the Mazzoni Center Health Equity Fund. If you're able, we invite you to donate to the fund as well. If you wish to be one of the pioneering contributors to this new Fund, please send a check, made out to “Philadelphia Foundation,” with “Mazzoni Center Health Equity Fund” indicated on the memo line, to: Philadelphia Foundation, P.O. Box 826728, Philadelphia, PA 19182-6728.
Contributions may also be made online at, and select "Mazzoni Center Health Equity Fund" under the “Select a Cause” section. Should you have any questions, including how to make contributions by wire transfer or stock transfer, please contact David Weisberg, Executive Development & Communications Officer, at [email protected].
As we work to increase access to care, I want to thank you for your continued support!
- Sultan Shakier, President and Executive Officer