Mazzoni Center Statement On HB 972 and How You Can Support Trans Kids
Mazzoni Center Statement On HB 972 and How You Can Support Trans Kids

Every sport has different rules for how to play, and who gets to play. But some want to pick and choose who counts and who does not, limiting our freedoms based on our genders. Women's sports were never on an equal playing field. One might think that a bill called "Fairness in Women's Sports" would try to fix that. But instead, some are seeking to divide us by exploiting lack of familiarity with transgender people to stoke fear and get people to turn against trans women and girls. Their bill, HB 972, would require schools to break the rules for every sport set by the NCAA, the PIAA, and schools, which allow trans women and girls to play on teams with their friends. Instead of aiming for fairness, these folks are trying to divide us and distract us from working together to make sports - and schools - better for everyone. Our genders are essential to who we are, and we all deserve respect. You can't spell "team" without a t - and there is no fairness in women's sports without trans women and girls.
The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on HB 972 on Monday, April 11. If it goes like the Education Committee's vote last week, the politicians pushing HB 972 can be expected to cruelly misgender trans women and girls and lie about their bodies - all for a bill that fails to improve sports for anyone. Showing up in support of trans women and girls in whatever way you can - and telling your representative to vote no on HB 972 - are critical.
Our friends at the Pennsylvania Youth Congress, The Eastern PA Trans Equity Project, and the ACLU of PA have resources to help you do that, including a co-hosted day of action in Harrisburg on Monday - more information about their event on Monday is here, and information on and help with contacting your representative is below.
Trans Youth & Allies Day of Action
Monday, April 11th
9:00am — 2:00pm
Pennsylvania State Capitol / Harrisburg, PA
The battle against trans youth is heating up in Pennsylvania. We need you — all supporters of trans women and girls — to come to Harrisburg on Monday to fight this destructive legislation. We must make sure our lawmakers know how much support there is for trans youth in Pennsylvania so that they vote down this bill on the House floor. We will meet at 9:00am in the Main Capitol Rotunda and coordinate outreach with your legislators so you can visit their offices either to personally share information with them or their staff. At 12pm, we will meet back in the Main Capitol Rotunda and head to the gallery to watch the House vote on the bill. Please note that floor votes are unpredictable. HB 972 could be brought up toward the beginning of the session proceedings, or hours later toward the end, so plan accordingly as possible. Please register ASAP here and the Pennsylvania Youth Congress will follow up with the logistics for the day.
Legislative Process & Storytelling
Saturday, April 9, 2022 at 4:00 PM
The Learning Session on the Legislative Process & Storytelling will be on Saturday, April 9, 2022 at 4:00 PM. Led by Naiymah Sanchez, Trans Justice Coordinator with the ACLU of PA and Corinne Goodwine, Executive Director of the Eastern PA Trans Equity Project, this virtual session will provide a rundown of the structure and function of the Pennsylvania General Assembly, including how a bill becomes a law, and provide training on how to effectively tell your story as a part of an advocacy effort.
Advocacy Academy Learning Sessions
Saturday, April 9th at 8:00 PM & Sunday, April 10th at 6:00 PM
There will be two follow-up Advocacy Academy Practice Sessions. Led by Preston Heldibridle, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Youth Congress, these sessions will outline the framework for an effective legislative meeting and will provide the opportunity to practice meeting with an elected official through individual roleplay. Please register to attend Advocacy Academy Practice Session 1 on Saturday, April 9, 2022 at 8:00 PM or register here to attend Advocacy Academy Practice Session 2 on Sunday, April 10, 2022 at 6:00 PM.
Here is a link to the ACLU of Pennsylvania's action page:
And you may have seen this, but for anyone interested in a brief primer on biology, transition, and why HB 972 is premised on bad medicine, Dr. Billie Swiggard explained it in this segment for NBC 10:
How Gender Transition Affects People’s Body