Our Response to Tennessee and Arkansas Anti-Trans Bills

Our Response to Tennessee and Arkansas Anti-Trans Bills

Tennessee's governor and legislators won't let up in their quest to bully trans kids. First, they block students who are trans from playing on sports teams with their friends. Next, they threaten punishments for students for using the restroom designated for their gender. Then they require businesses to deny trans patrons respect unless they post signs that their multi-user restrooms are gender neutral. Finally, they stick their noses into trans kids' physical and mental health by banning life-saving medical treatment.   


Actions have consequences. In nearby Arkansas, within first two weeks of its ban on medical care for trans youth, at least four teens attempted suicide. Trans young people and their parents were (and are) frightened for their future. Instead of responding to real problems that LGBTQ teens face - depression, rejection, and suicidality - Tennessee's new laws pile it on. These lawmakers can scrub all they want, but they will always be marred by the damage they are inflicting.