Updates from the Executive Search Advisory Committee

Updates from the Executive Search Advisory Committee

Since our last communication, there have been a few updates regarding the Presidential search. Our commitment remains in keeping you informed in the progress of this executive search.

I, and many others on the Board of Directors, listened to feedback provided during our first advisory search committee meeting regarding the additional representation of front-line staff and other community members. I am pleased to announce that Shawnese Givens and Abra Morgan have been added as committee members. Membership of this committee include:

(2 Board of Directors)
Marianne Price, committee chairperson
Christina Peterson

(4 Mazzoni Center staff members)
Valerie Canavin
Sean Laughlin
Jawanna Marshall
Abra Morgan

(2 community representatives)
Shawnese Givens
Celena Morrison

Additionally, in consultation with Kevin Chase executive search firm, the advisory search committee has advanced the recruitment profile (Linked below) to begin the President and Executive Officer search officially. This profile is scheduled to go live on Thursday, May 6, 2021, and we welcome all qualified candidates to apply. Development of this profile was heavily informed by the stakeholder survey distributed to the Mazzoni Center staff and stakeholders. Once this profile is posted, the executive search recruitment process will officially begin.

As always, thank you for your continued support and dedication to Mazzoni Center's mission. We will continue to provide routine executive search updates. All questions pertaining to the search should be directed to [email protected].

Nu'Rodney Prad
President, Board of Directors


Recruitment Profile (PDF)