Vivid Spotlight: Steven Alles

Vivid Spotlight: Steven Alles

Steven Alles is a public health physician who recently retired from a career in infectious disease control working for the Philadelphia Department of Health and the Pennsylvania Department of Health. He has overseen the STD control and viral hepatitis programs for the city of Philadelphia before fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. He earned a master's in fine art (painting) from Rochester Insititute of Technology and is currently producing artwork in a rented studio space at the Loom in Kensington Philadelphia.

Art: Middle Falls - Letchworth, NY by Steven Alles - oil painting on canvas - 30" x 48"  - framed: 35" x 53"

Buy some beautiful art this Thursday at the Vivid Art Auction! Here is one of the many pieces that will be on sale. Buy your ticket here.