Ways You Can Be Part of Our Caring Community This Holiday Season
Ways You Can Be Part of Our Caring Community This Holiday Season

by: Chelsea Switzer
Mazzoni Center’s Care Services department was the very first grant-funded department at the agency and remains a critical component of our services for people living with HIV/AIDS. Coined “Care Services” after the Ryan White Care Act, the department originally focused on meeting the needs of the HIV-positive community. Medical Case Management, Food Bank, and the Housing Subsidy Program continue to focus on meeting the needs of HIV-positive individuals and families. In 2007, Care Services expanded the scope of the department and built programming to address the needs of the most vulnerable members of the LGBTQ+ community.
Care Coordination offers medical care coordination, benefits counseling, and social services to patients at our health center. Staffed by over 35 qualified, compassionate professionals, Care Services is dedicated to serving the particular needs of each Mazzoni Center client. At the heart of Care Services' mission is the recognition that many factors can impact health, and we take a holistic approach to providing those services.
To enjoy their best health, people who are living with HIV must have safe, stable housing; receive regular, appropriate medical care; manage their medications; and more. For some clients, getting connected to counseling and psychosocial assistance is critical. For others, food stability and nutrition may be an issue. Having a medical case manager to assist with these and other concerns can make a difference in a person’s long-term health outlook.
We invite you, our vibrant and caring LGBTQ+ community to join us in caring for others this November and December by supporting the Care Services Emergency Needs Fund. The Emergency Needs Fund supplies clients with critical health and wellness items this time of year - winter coats, hats, gloves and blankets, space heaters, holiday gifts and toys, specific holiday food items, and even paying for utilities.
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