Interdisciplinary Review Committee | PTWC

Interdisciplinary Review Committee | PTWC

The content of the Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference (PTWC) General Track is selected by the Interdisciplinary Review Committee (IRC). The IRC is a volunteer committee comprised of trans, nonbinary, and gender-expansive community members tasked with ensuring the content presented at the conference each year is affirming and empowering of the trans community and its many intersections. The committee also works to ensure that content presented at PTWC is not perpetuating transphobia, homophobia, racism, xenophobia, sexism, ablism, ageism, antisemitism, and islamophobia.

During regular monthly meetings, the Logistics Coordinator sources insights and feedback from committee members to inform a wide range of decisions about PTWC.  Committee members support recruitment of new IRC members, development of proposal scoring rubrics, outreach to solicit workshop proposals, the review and selection of workshops, and on-site volunteer efforts at the conference. The IRC has established membership bylaws to guide recruitment, meetings, and outreach.

In order to increase community agency in content selection, create professional opportunities for trans people, and ensure that our community is empowered to define the future standards of Gender Affirming Care Services, outreach efforts are focused on the recruitment of trans, nonbinary, and gender-expansive professionals from diverse backgrounds. Becoming a committee member is an excellent way to advocate for the trans community, build your resume, and grow PTWC through trans leadership.